Try These Foods To Increase Semen Or Load

You can shoot bigger loads with different foods.

Having a problem with your semen load?

Wanna try out something that constructively builds up the production of semen in your factory?

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You are certainly not alone if you have an issue like that.

Trust me;

shoot bigger loadsTwo out of three men have complained of having an issue with the semen production in their body.

According to them, the less production of semen has affected their sex life and made it worse. And not to mention the performance anxiety that just messes up their self-confidence. This is an issue that almost every man has faced and so arriving at a solution for this problem is also very essential.

Now supplements and pills can be a bit risky when it comes to increasing the semen volume.

So what’s the best way to ensure that your balls are all loaded up with semen when you have sex?

By maintaining a diet of course.

Now we know that several foods serve the purpose of increasing sexual desire, but also, they can be used to improve the volume of your semen too.

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Read further to know.

shoot bigger loadsSome Foods That You Can Try

As strange as they seem, these are the foods that are the best when it comes to increasing your semen volume.

• Oysters: We do not doubt the aphrodisiacal abilities of oyster for a second. But did you know that these bad boys are also a significant factor for increasing semen volume? Well, apparently the food is loaded with zinc, which helps

to improve the load in a better way.

Fact- Research by American Chemical Society in 2005 says that Zinc present in oyster helps in the production of testosterone and cortisol level, that directly controls semen volume. Even there is good blood flow in the genital region that allows in sexual arousal in both male and female.

Fun Facts- Cleopatra and Casanova loved oysters, the love drugs!

• Dark Chocolate: Another great one on the list is surely the dark chocolate. Research shows that the darker the chocolate gets; the more semen you will produce. L-arginine as the amino acid present it the dark chocolate which makes it an excellent choice for helping in semen production. Be careful about how much you eat though.

Fact- Tryptophan in chocolate helps in sexual arousal.

• Spinach: How about it, huh? Have some leafy green spinach to increase the strength, mobility, and volume of your sperm. Rich in folic acid, having green spinach can help you a lot when it comes to increasing semen.

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Fact- Spinach consists of folic acid, that helps in enhancing sex life.

• Asparagus: Another addition to the list of food to increase your load would be asparagus. This green goodness is rich in Vitamin C which is a healthy choice for your sperm. Protecting the sperm cells from damaging elements, this food increases their longevity and ensures that you have stronger shooting capabilities.

Fact- Asparagus consists of Folate, that produces histamine, increasing the sexual drive in men and women.

• Garlic: Who would have guessed that apart from treating many cardiovascular and respiratory problems, there were specific aphrodisiac abilities in garlic as well, that handled the low sperm volume issues? Now you know.

Fact- The stinking smell during a passionate kiss may annoy your partner, but allicin present in garlic can increase the blood flow to the sex organs and enhance sperm volume and libido.

• Walnuts: Everyone man should hail the power of omega-3 fatty acids for increasing the sperm volume of a body. What you should know is walnuts are a good source for that. Take walnuts, and you won’t complain of less semen again.

Facts- Walnuts can be said as the master of the love department, as they are rich in Omega-3s that help in sexual drive.

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Suffering due to less load?

Want to perform better in bed you need to shoot bigger loads. Don’t forget to try these foods. We’re sure that you won’t be disappointed with the results.

Check out how oysters can help you shoot bigger loads.

For more information on healthy foods visit